We are excited to announce that we have changed our venue! The Best Western in Ticonderoga, NY is our new location!
The venue itself does cost us more but the room rate is a whole lot better! Even though we had to increase the cost of the crop fee, with the savings on the room rate, it is still less then what we were paying at the Middlebury Courtyard. So I think this is a win for everyone!
Here are the details:
You can now register for our spring retreat! This years retreat:
When: Spring Retreat April 21-24, 2022
Where: Best Western, Ticonderoga, NY **New Venue**
The retreat includes your table space, breakfast if you rent a room, snacks daily, an ice cream social on Saturday night, Family Fued off and on throughout the day and even a few games of bingo over the weekend.
Here are our retreat rates:3 Days (Thurs-Sat or Fri-Sun) $159
4 Days (Thurs - Sun) $199
These rates are just for the crop portion of the retreat. It does not include hotel stay at the Best Western. Our special rate for the Best Western is $71.99 + Tax per night.
Simply click on the link below to go to our registration page and register for either retreat now!